Tuesday 6 January 2009


b The form and function, of our opening sequence, has to be able to establish place and time. By this we will be filming at certain times of the day (day or night). We will be establishing the place by shooting a long shot of our chosen location. We will not be using narrative devices, apart from captions. The opening sequence will be only a few minutes long, and during this time, we will be showing credits, during this short sequence.
We will be drawing in the audience, by the media languages we use, such as music, with an up beat tempo, which will start to fade as the plot begins to unfold. We will establish the main character by, using extreme close ups of the character, which will unveil his personality, by the clothes he wears and the music he listens to.
Enigmas will be created to attract the audience and keep the "hooked", as it were, so they will watch the rest of the film, to see this enigmas answered, and resolved.

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