Thursday 8 January 2009

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This opening sequence has really influenced our thoughts because of its content. A lot happens in a short time on this clip, The scene is set where a hopeful young athlete plays basket ball at his local sports hall. When he has finished his training he rings his girl friend to tell her that he loves her to show the audience he is a warm character. On his way home, he gets into a little bit of conflict with a gang, they start to stir up trouble, so he walks off and tries to go home, but the gang follow him, and chase after him. The gang leader stabs the boy, then him and the gang run off and leave him for dead. Later the girl comes along and she doesn't know what to do and also leaves the boy lying on the ground, We then find out that he died.
We feel that the use of media language is perfect for helping our ideas develop, there are many different techniques used in here. Mise en scene helps show the gang for what they are, they all wear "gangster" style clothing and hang around a corner shop in an urban area, which looks run down. The colour red depicts danger in the clip, as the gang leader is wearing red, as soon as we see him, we know that he will cause trouble. The editing of the clip shows that there is danger coming, we know this because the time between each clip being cut and also the pace speeds up. The fast paced editing prepares the audience for the action of the scene. The content of this clip shows conflict, this is perfect for our short sequence, as it is based on this, along side a theme of revenge. We feel that the mise en scene is similar to what we would use. Non-diegetic sad slow paced music is used at the beginning and end of this short clip, this automatically tells us that something bad will or has happened in the drama. It sets the scene for the audience with regards to the genre of the film. 

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