Thursday 22 January 2009

F1 Jedi Prelim Task


This is our prelim task, the plot of the story was that the girls were trading some goods accross the table. This turned out to be a good success, however, due to the time we were unable to record all of what we needed, therefore, we improvised and delt with what we had.

We used several different types of camera shots such as long shot, mid-shot, extreme close ups and over the shoulder shots. This allowed the sequence to flow with the help of invisible editting and simple cut shots. We were able to stay within the 180 ° rule, as we shot the angels from one side of the point of action/conversation. 

The music we chose was very limited as there was no other music on the player, so with the amount of time we had we chose this music to give a comedy side to the sequence as well as to give the sequence a lift of non-diagetic sounds rather than just diagetic sound/noise in the background. We extracted the audio and silenced the scene where she walks in and replaced it with the non-diagetic sound of music. Once she sits down we faded the music down but still had it playing quietly underneath as the diagetic sounds of them talking needed to be heard. The music fades back in throughout the credits and stops in sync to the credits ending.

To improve our piece of film we would spend more time filming, if it was possible, and also we would have chosen a better soundtrack if we had more choice in the itunes player. Also some shots were a little shakey, this was either due to the actor being unable to stand still or because the camera was a little shakey, to improve this we would ask the actress to stand perfectly still and the camera would need to be steady.

Overall our prelim task was a success and we feel that this experience will help us with future recordings.

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