Tuesday 3 February 2009

Casino Royale Chase Scene Analysis

The chase scene begins with an extreme long shot of a town centre in Madagascar. Digetic sounds are heard from the people in the town centre. The town centre is like a market place with only stalls and no buildings. The people are all chanting and betting on a fight between a snake and a ferret. Then we see a medium shot a man in the crowd who drinks out of his bottle of beer and then proceeds to watch the animals fight. the camera then zooms out to a British man who is talking to an unknown man who we later find out is James Bond. We then see a second extreme long shot but this time it is of people sat on top of walls and buildings to see the fight. The man who was previously drinking out of the beer bottle is then showed again but this time he is answering his phone. Whilst the man is on the phone James Bod realizes that he is the bomb maker. Bond then tells a man who is sat close to the Bomb Maker to not let him get away. The Bomb Maker then realizes that some people are after him an turns away from the camera shot and runs in the opposite direction while the man on the phone to Bond can just stand and watch the man escape. The man then begins to chase after the bomb maker who has just ran through the fight ring and is nearly bitten by the snake. The man chasing the bomb maker is then stopped because he runs into so people in the crowd and then he an the people he ran into fall off the stands that they are stood on and into the middle of the fighting ring. At this point Bond sees the bomb Maker escaping from the fighting arena and begins to chase him. This chase then carries on until the building site. The Bomb Maker then hides behind some industrial pipes and pulls out a hand gun, he then looks around for Bond but he cannot see him anywhere. We then see a long shot of a shack and a fence being bulldozed by a Caterpillar Truck. The chase then continues through the building site as the Bomb Maker shoots at the Truck that Bond is in. The truck then crashes at the bottom of some scaffolding. The Bomb Maker begins to climb up the scaffolding as Bond follows him up it. Whilst Bond is half way up the scaffolding the truck that he was previously driving explodes. The shot then changes to the bomb maker who is at the top of the scaffolding. From the camera angle we can see that the Bomb maker is trapped at the top of the scaffolding, but then from another angle we can see a crane dangling some steel pipes. The bomb maker makes a desperate attempt to escape by jumping on the crane, he makes the jump and then begins to climb up the crane to the top, the shot then changes to Bond, he also makes the jump from the scaffolding to the crane. The builders on the site look on in amazement whilst Bond and the Bomb Maker climb up the huge scaffolding. We can still hear non-digetic music playing at a fast pace to match the chase. Once both men reach the top of the crane they then begin to carry on running through the pillars in the crane, the Bomb maker then jumps from one crane to another with Bond following closely behind. The Bomb maker then stops an pulls out a gun and aims it at Bond. Bond then grabs the gun and the men begin to tussle on top of the crane. the Bomb maker manages to shrug off Bond who slips off the crane but manages to keep hold of the platform. The Bomb maker then makes an attempt to get away whilst Bond is struggling to get back onto the crane platform, the Bomb maker jumps from the crane onto a rooftop and then onto another rooftop. By now Bond has managed to pull himself back onto the platform and has began to proceed with the chase, he watches the Bomb maker jump from rooftop to rooftop before doing the same himself, however Bonds attempt is not very good, he makes the jump to the first rooftop and then falls off it onto the next roof, from the floor he can see the Bomb maker running away round the corner he then gets back to his feet and begins to chase the bomb maker once more the chase then goes through the site where the builders are working with the bomb maker narrowly avoids being caught on the electric saw, Bond then comes from another angle trying to cut off the Bomb makers path, however he is a bit to slow and the Bomb maker sees Bond and then begins to run in the opposite direction which is the elevtor shaft he jumps down the shaft and kicks off the wall to get on the floor below and begins to run off again, then we see Bond drop down through a hole in the floor to get to the same floor as the bomb maker the chase then continues again the bomb maker then makes an attempt to get away by jumping through a small window, this does not slow Bond down because he just runs through the paper thin wall, the chase then leaves the building site and enters onto the main road the chase continues down the main road until the chase ends at the Madagascan Embassy.